Saturday, July 31, 2010

Awkward TV Show Stage

I just finished season 4 of How I Met Your Mother, which is the last season that's out on DVD. Season 5 comes out on DVD the day after the season premier of season 6 airs, in September. I think I'll just try to nab the season 5 discs as soon as they come in the library, watch them, and then try to catch up on season 6 as it airs. Plus I need to get cracking on the Wire...season 3 awaits!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

To the Lady Who Donated the Almost-New Anthro Dress to My Local Goodwill...

Thank you. Thank you so very very much.

It's this pale pale green strapless (removable straps, but the strap attachments are placed a little weirdly so I doubt I'll use them much) dress with a sort of splashy floral print. It's made by Maeve, and it happened to be my size, and it doesn't bag over my not-well-endowed boobs, and it's not too long on me like most Anthro dresses are, and it's not poufy, and it was $10! omgomgomg and you know what? According to the tag, it was put out for sale the very day I bought it. *squee* I love thrift stores!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Shopping Problem

I know what my problem is. When I start to run low on money, I don't think about how to stop spending money, but how to make more money to keep spending. I think that is sad.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Productive Day

Today I cooked dinner by myself for the first time ever. (Rice, broccoli, eggs and basil, beef and peppers, and winter melon soup.) I also cut my mom's hair.