Monday, September 20, 2010

My 101 in 1001

This was supposed to be put up yesterday, but I had no internets :(

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

So without further ado.....and in absolutely no particular order:

1. Eat a steak burrito at La CosteƱa.
2. Attend 5 concerts. (4/5: Alice's Now & Zen Fest 2010, Ingrid Michaelson Fall Tour 2010, Glee concert, Alice's Summerthing 2011)
3. Try out 10 local restaurants I’ve never been to. (7/10: The Counter, Sushi House, New Mongolian BBQ, P.F. Chang's, Coconuts, Madame Tam, Fu Lam Mum)
4. Take a photo a day for 3 months.
5. Live in a foreign country.
6. Travel to Europe.
7. Visit 5 cities outside of California. (1/5: New York City)
8. Visit 3 states I've never been to. (0/3)
9. Visit New York City. (completed 03/26/11)
10. Bike in San Francisco.
11. Explore 3 new regions in San Francisco. (1/3: Tenderloin)
12. Go on a road trip with friends.
13. Go on a cross-country Amtrak tour.
14. Make a snowman.
15. Get a laptop.
16. Get a manicure or pedicure at a salon.
17. Go on a picnic.
18. Ride on a Ferris wheel.
19. Fly parachutes or paper airplanes from the top of Hoover Tower.
20. Eat at each dining hall in Stanford. (completed 09/29/10)
21. Hike the Dish. (completed 09/25/10)
22. Buy food from a truck or pushcart. (completed 03/22/11 in Central Park)
23. Visit an art festival/craft fair.
24. Visit a flea market.
25. Spend a day at a local beach.
26. Eat 10 foods I’ve never eaten before. (3/5: fresh oysters, raw salmon, kimchi)
27. Cross the footbridge over the local highway.
28. Visit the cemetery.
29. Throw a birthday party.
30. Fly a kite.
31. Complete a New York Times Friday crossword.
32. Go on a full-day hike.
33. Donate blood.
34. Find out my blood type.
35. [Private] for one week.
36. Attend a talk by a famous person. (completed 10/14/10 - Dalai Lama)
37. Attend a midnight premier of a movie. (completed 11/19/10 - Harry Potter 7 Part I)
38. Shop Black Friday. For reals. (completed 11/26/10)
39. Grow out my nails (go polish-free, tips and toes) for a month. (completed 01/01/11)
40. Try all my nail polish.
41. Bleach and/or dye my hair.
42. Do not turn my computer on for a week. (completed 6/20/11)
43. Go without electricity for a day.
44. Make some amount of money in the stock market.
45. Change the oil on a car by myself.
46. Take an art class.
47. Take an architecture class.
48. Take an athletic class.
49. Learn to speed-read.
50. Sleep before 11:00PM every day for a week.
51. Pull an all-nighter.
52. Watch the sun rise.
53. Get a 100% (or the highest grade in a class) on a midterm or final.
54. Get A’s in all my classes for a term. (completed 12/21/10)
55. Get a ukulele.
56. Learn Braille.
57. Learn Morse Code.
58. Teach myself French.
59. Do not buy any new clothing items for one month. (completed 02/01/11)
60. Sew a dress for myself.
61. Finish a cabled knitting project. Bonus points if it’s circular.
62. Make a scrapbook.
63. Get/make an accurate dress form.
64. Make 10 pairs of earrings. (0/10)
65. Invest in a dSLR.
66. Get a sheet music editor.
67. Transcribe a song, all instruments.
68. Replace my light switch plate.
69. Buy candy at a chocolate store.
70. Paint a room.
71. Write with my left hand for a day.
72. Amass 10,000 songs and listen to them all.
73. Read 50 of the books on the Big Read list.
74. Increase my movie count to 400.
75. Watch at least 75 movies from the AFI’s 100 Years...100 Movies list.
76. Movie-hop. (completed 6/25/11, X-Men: First Class and Bridesmaids)
77. Watch a movie at Palo Alto Square.
78. Watch a movie at Aquarius. (completed 1/17/11, Blue Valentine)
79. Make chocolate truffles. (completed 11/12/10)
80. Make ice cream from scratch.
81. Successfully bake a pie.
82. Cook a meal for people outside of my family.
83. Leave a note in a library book for someone to find.
84. Go vegetarian for one month.
85. Go snack-free for one month. (Vegetables and fresh fruit are OK.)
86. Run at least 5 times a week for a month.
87. Run a sub-8:30 mile.
88. Weigh XXX pounds and keep it there for a month.
89. Do the splits.
90. Blog in Spanish for one month.
91. Participate in NaBloPoMo five times (unofficial is OK). (0/5)
92. Participate in Day of Silence.
93. Participate in Earth Hour.
94. Present my research. (completed 10/21/10)
95. Learn to drive stick shift.
96. Make a list of 101 things I like.
97. Splurge on one high-end investment item (clothing or accessory)
98. Make a 10-year time capsule.
99. Graduate from college.
100. Make another 101 in 1001 list.

Plain Text - To Do.
Bold - Goal Achieved
Italicized - In Progress

Goal Start Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010
Goal End Date: Sunday, June 16, 2013

last updated: 06.27.11

**note: this list is still unfinished. yay for writer's block.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Currently Obsessed: Pony (It's OK) by Erin McCarley

The album version is perhaps even better.

Saturday, September 4, 2010