A few weeks ago (okay, during the summer), I went to Joann to buy something or other, and I noticed that Butterick patterns were on sale for $1 each. Being a slight noob, I thought, "Ooh, these are cheap. Maybe I should get one or two to save for later." And so I bought two lovely dress patterns (both rather above my skill level).
Yesterday I went back to Joann, actually wanting to get some (simpler) dress patterns. Now, of course, they're regular price, which is about $10 each. How unfortunate. But I didn't see any that interested me in that price range anyways. I did, however, pick up
this little New Look gem for $4. Most pattern packets have 4 or 6 complete dress patterns, but this one is a mix-and-match set, so you can make dresses with different bodice/midriff/skirt combinations. Score! (although IIRC New Look patterns are $3 at Walmart - better check there next time.)
I wish I could post pictures, but I seem to have misplaced my camera cord...