Or maybe it'll be longer than a week. Who knows.
I'm pretty sure it started last Wednesday, when we learned minor scales in music class. I remember thinking it was just too ironic, and it didn't bode well for my midterm that night (which actually went OK, but not great). And after that, it was just a week of bad grades in homework, essays, and midterms, and messed up labs, drama over next year's housing, and general emo-ness. It wasn't even PMS. And then yesterday, after I got my two worst grades ever (relatively for my midterm and literally for my paper), I skipped dinner and went to sleep at 8pm. Yay for thirteen-hour naps!
There were good parts this week, too, I suppose. It's been sunny the whole week. I went running twice, outside. (The second time I almost pulled a muscle, but still.) There were dumplings today at lunch. I got free Jamba Juice yesterday at Frosh Rally (some kind of mango one, it was really good), and I got a letter from S. Plus last Thursday I went to eat at the Creamery with G and W, and although it was $$, it was really good. (oven-fried chicken? mashed potatoes? steamed vegetables? mint-chocolate-chip shake? All signs of general win, in my book.) I also went home last Saturday, so I ate two lunches. I'm noticing this all revolves around food...
Oh, and I hauled twice this week. The first was the annual Zoya Polish Exchange. The deal is that you could send in six or more unwanted polishes from your stash, along with $3.50 per bottle, and you would receive a new bottle of Zoya nail polish for every bottle you send in. I split a package with K, so that we could get over the six-polish minimum. Turns out we both sent in six. At least we saved on shipping, right? I got these:



Posh (why is this the only one with a cap?)



K got these six:






I wish they'd let us exchange for their polish remover, because I desperately want to try it. Plus I'm out of acetone remover.
My second haul is with the Old Navy 30% off sale. I got a black string bikini bottom, because my current swimsuit bottom is kind of huge, even though I can tie the sides. My new one looks exactly like the old one, except hopefully it fits better. Here's a picture:

I suppose it doesn't count as a good thing this week, because I haven't gotten them yet. I just paid for them.
I also watched this week's Glee episode, Bad Reputation. I really liked it for some reason. I don't know if it was the harem pants in Can't Touch This (Brittany in red Hammer pants? hilarz.) or Mr. Schuester's interrogation scene (esp. Kurt and Brittany) or Rachel's Run Joey Run music video, or the last Total Eclipse of the Heart. That last song is my current favorite Glee song, along with Like a Prayer from the Madonna episode, and Gives You Hell (whose clip I found on iTunes for free!) and Hello Goodbye, and possibly Run Joey Run. Can't Touch This is also good, but only with the video. I watched the music videos for Glee songs so many times (esp. Total Eclipse and Like a Prayer). Mum would say that watching too much TV is why my life is deteriorating. She's probably right.
I think this should be the end of this Emo Week, because I have a break in midterm season until next Friday. Plus I got all my bad grades back. No~~just remembered my psych project is coming back soon. Won't be pretty. And my music midterm is coming back next week too. I don't know if I should be worried about it. I finished in the first half hour and I was the first one done. I
thought it was easy...
Looking back on this list, I'm not sure why I was so emo this week. I did forget/de-emphasize a lot of the more depressing parts here though. The housing drama and the bad grades were pretty aggravating. Also, I'm not in as emo of a mood now (knock on wood), so I'm remembering the happier parts. You know those questions on psych surveys where they ask, "Do you think you can change your emotions?" I'm pretty sure the answer is no. To some extent, mood isn't even based on what events happen in your life. If you're sad, you think about events differently than if you're happy. Stuff that might not be a big deal when I'm happy may seem extremely annoying or depressing when I'm sad. Even if something happy happens, I would just focus on the bad parts of it (because I can
always improve, no matter what the situation is).