Saturday, April 2, 2011


I always get a little happy and sad when I visit my old robotics team. On one hand, it's great to see them doing so well. They've come so far from when I worked with them, when they were still new and unsure of their skills and how they fit in with the group. Now they're the leaders of the team, those little rookies from years ago. They've designed amazing mechanisms that are elegant as well as rock-solid (lookin' at you, SN and SS; and no breakdowns?!). They lead the following generation and have taught them how to machine and design, and that generation will teach its own rookies, like a never-ending staircase of teaching. (lol)

But it's kind of awkward when they used to ask me for help earlier this year, since I pursued a different field in college and haven't machined or designed anything in ages. I don't feel like I can provide any useful advice since they've designed and tested their creation for so long, and they know how it works backwards and forwards. They know its strengths and weaknesses so much better than me; how can I possibly tell them anything they didn't already know? They're fine all by themselves.

Congrats on a great year guys and gals :)

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