Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I love working late at night. If I'm not tired out of my mind, it's my favorite time to work. Everyone is asleep, including my roommate, and the world is dark outside my window. In my room, there's just a lamp illuminating my desk, and it's much easier to concentrate on working. I used to think it was because it's the threat of an impending deadline the next morning, but it's so much more relaxing when the deadline is a day away. Look at Monday's late night! So full of angst. That's probably because I needed to stay up to finish an essay due the next morning. Just an extra day before the deadline changes everything. Plus it was a lot less efficient; I stayed up until 5 and still didn't finish the darn thing.

As long as I stay on iTunes (or go music-less) and avoid YouTube, I can focus so much better on my work than during the day. During the daytime, I always feel self-conscious because other people are up and about, and daytime just doesn't have the sense of urgency as nighttime (calm urgency in this case. a good feeling.). It's so much easier to get distracted by other things when you feel you still have time for homework later. And I thought it was better to be in the computer cluster than in my room, but it's really not. It's bright enough in the cluster to resemble daytime, and the presence of other people makes me anxious. I spend more energy than I should trying not to disturb them or not do weird things in their presence.

I love just sitting in my darkened room, Mika's Kick Ass blasting on repeat in my headphones, a half-empty cup of tea in my Friends mug, focusing on one project. It's definitely helped by my cracking open a gold mine of a book for my research paper. I don't know why, I just feel incredibly happy right now, happy to be alive in general and especially at this hour. (I don't know why right now, because it's 3 in the morning and I've had 8 hours of sleep in the last 65 hours, but I'll analyze it in the morning. I don't like not knowing why I'm happy. If I know why, I can make it happen more often!) Besides the book, I think another reason I'm happy is because my brain is only on half-power, so I don't think quite so deeply about stressful issues. (Down-side: short memory span and tendency to spell desk deask.) I've also had a pretty solidly good day, including but not limited to finishing my BioE problem set early, finishing a Tuesday NYT crossword by myself for the first (or second?) time, and was surprising alert for someone running on little sleep. (Actually, now that I think of it, I think I'm only remembering the highlights due to my good mood.) Or this whole thing may just be hormonal. Who knows. Life is good.

The only thing I dread is the morning, when I wake up with a mild headache and a loathing for everything bright, cheery, and loudly social. And early-morning lectures, of course.

Recipe for staving off a cold that's about to rear its head: 1 cup ginger tea with 1/2 tsp ascorbic acid, plus lots of water. But drinking lots of water will make you have to go to the bathroom thrice as often, ruining the Working At Night allure. But only a little. Remember, sick = low concentration = no more working at night! Also, quit going to the bathroom so often. You underestimate the capacity of your bladder. (TMI...?)

Recipe for waking up early in the morning: sleep sitting down at your desk. It's not as soft and warm as your bed, so it's easier to get up in the morning, but it's comfortable enough to sleep through. Remember to wear an insulated jacket and warm pants, or else you may get sick (see above). Also, if you rest your head in your arms, you may have pins and needles for a few minutes. Best avoid this position unless cramped for space.

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